About Legit Property Solutions

Who Are We?

Aurora Home Legacy is a professional, full service real estate investing company that buys and sells residential properties. This company specializes in the purchase of distressed homes. These distressed properties are then fully renovated and subsequently listed on the open market for profit. This company has helped families avert possible foreclosures, bankruptcies, negotiated short sales, bought probate properties, helped tired landlords, and bought properties in divorce settlements. Most properties are purchased in Arizona which are known for their good schools, low crime rates, military population, and strong sense of community.

We have worked tirelessly to help homeowners solve their real estate problems and have renovated all types of distressed properties. Additionally, we take great satisfaction knowing well-deserved families will live in their renovated properties for many years to come. At the same time, neighboring families are also happy to see their own property values increase. As a result, neighbors may do some extra “sprucing up” of their own homes.

Finally, Legit Property Solutions has helped the local economy by creating jobs for contractors, realtors, home inspectors, and appraisers, which in turn increases tax revenues for local city governments.

“To us – these are not projects…

They are homes, families, lives, and futures”

Legit Property Solutions. All rights reserved.